Saturday, June 03, 2006

Grand Canyon and Vegas

After lake Havasu, we had of course a very very slow start. Unfortunately we wanted to make it all over to the Grand Caynon. Lucky in case you are the CoDriver, cuz that day I definitely didnt want to drive.
After stopping in Williams for a night we made it to Grand Canyon NP on Memorial Day. On our way we quickly realized how many cops were on the road that particular day. Thus, no wonder we got a ticket on our way back. Grand Canyon is a cool place. We went for around 3 miles along rim and visited some lookouts by car. We got the hint to arrive real early before the crowds arrive. which was a real advantage.

Next via the Hoover Dam and more cops to Vegas were we spend the last 2,5 days gambling and partying. Unfortunately noone won big but on the other hand noone lost real much, too. So I guess thats ok. We stayed at the Tropicana hotel which is a perfectly located on the strip. Frist night we went to Hooters for dinner (what a surprise). Afterwards we just strolled along the strip to check out all the different casinos. Next day, same thing.... and here we are back in Austin

So lets sum up the facts.
Total days: 14
Total miles driven: 2970
Total time driving: 65+ hours
Things seen: you just read it all ;-)

National Parks and Lake Havasu

Last week we spent almost every day in a different national park. First we were off to vistit yosemetie np with its huge half dome. We hiked around at the bottom of yosemetie valley before we drove up glacier point road, which had been just opened that day. Perfect timing. Up on the top there was still snow around. What a difference to the desert a week ago.

In between the NPs it was shitload of driving. Next to visit was Sequoia and Kings Canyon NP. We drove down til roads end of impressive Kings Canyon. In the afternoon we went to Sequoia to see all the monster trees. Beside that we were surprised by some wildlife as we saw a bear very closeby later on.

Well, lake Havasu was not really on our way, but after all we have heard about it we definetly had to go there. This lake was the biggest party place all of us have seen. Boats tight together over the whole lake, girls as crazy as on spirngbreak and loads of beer was exactly what we needed as a timeout. Unfortunately my camera did not survive the day as it when for a swim when Steffen was pushed into the water. At the end of the day we had to sleep in the car because all the motels where 150 $ and more for the night.So, of course during the night the cops arrived, looking at my hammered coopilot and first officer in the back. Lucky they only told us to keep the doors closed and switch the lights off. How come you guys dont remember ;-)

Heading north

Sunday we arrived right in time at Santa Barbara to see the final games of an AVP Volleyball tournament. Although the weather was pretty bad again and the place was not crowded at all, it was a nice exprience.
Later that day the weather got worse and worse unitl we finally had to stop right at the start of route #1 because it was impossible to contiune driving.

It paid out next day, as after an early start, we made it all the way up to Napa Valley north of SanFran. With stunning views along world famous highway one we had to stop almost every minute. Along the way we saw a lot of different wildlife too. Seals, dolphins, squirrels ....

Next day sightseeing in San Francisco. After driving over the Golden Gate at night the day before, this day started with day views of the bridge with the skyline in the back. Later we drove down lombard street (where we found a nice parking), visited fishermans warf and saw a all the other SanFran sights.

Tuesday was all about the Napa Valley. We tasted vine, vistited the see CIA and had a big late breakfast at Thomas former exchage family.