Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Rolling it up

Hi, so the Germans are on their way to get all the different spots marked off once again before they leave. So yesturday was Cain & Abels night. You definetly have to take advantage of their reasonable beer prices and next creditcard bills and some caclulations revealed Steffen and I had recordsetting 20+ beers each. Well, dont be suprised, yall should know beers like water over here (at least for Germans).

Part two of todays double header is an insight on how chill out classes at UT can be. Well, have a look at my todays schoolday.

Pic 1: Spanisch Lab @ noon
Pic 2: Spanish class @ the pool

Pic 3: still Spanish
Pic 4 + 5: Tennis class @ 3.30 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Markus,
super Homepage. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag von Berna, Jü und Kerstin. Auch Wolfi läßt grüßen und freut sich wieder auf dich.
Bis bald in good old Germany!!!!!

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

4:43 AM  

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