Monday, August 15, 2005

Carlos 'n Charlies


yesterday we went with Brandon, a guy I ve met at a pool party, to Carlos 'n Charlies. In total there were around 8 people including Thomas and his roomate Daniel, plus Enrico our "latest german arrival". Carlos 'n Charlies is a cute palce at Lake Travis located directly on its waterfront. There was a band playing and everything with Absolut was 2$. We hang out there for a while, and of course had a couple of Prosts.

Around midnight we decided to go downtown. We drove back in a Mustang and got caught for speeding although there was one of these little radar detectors in the car. So we had to pull over and got a ticket. Obviously the same as in Germany.

On 6th street we just popped in and out a couple of places. Its a shame that everything closes at 2am. Thus, we have been back home around 2.30am.

Thanks for the cool night to everyone. Hope you have had as much fun as I had.


Blogger Simon On Tour said...

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1:50 AM  
Blogger Simon On Tour said...

Hi Markus, so jetzt hab ichs endlich auch mal zu den comments geschaft...
Als erstes mal find ich so ein weblogg, blogg, wie auch immer des jetzt heiß ganz feine Idee, da können die armen, im regnerischen kalten deutschen Sommer 2005 (bis jetzt zumindest) daheimgebliebenen mal ein paar news aus dem "hotten" Texas erfahren!
Ich finds auch bis jetzt auch ganz echt ganz lustig deine Einträge zu lesen.
So keep it updated! I will control it continuously! And most important - don't forget the pics!!

Greetings from Würzburg


1:51 AM  
Blogger Simon On Tour said...

Häh, habs wohl aus versehen wieder gelöscht?!?!
Jetzt müsste es aber wieder da sein, oder?!
Übrigens musste ich mich jetzt doch erst anmelden, bevor ich einen comment schreiben konnte. Hab mir dann auch gleich so ein weblog erstellt, ist aber noch nix drauf.


1:53 AM  
Blogger Matze (retired) said...

moin Markus!
I just red your blog again and just had to laugh about the ticket you got!!! yesterday i came back to würzburg and had to sleep alot, cause I didnt the last 24 hours. At 6 am I woke up in Amrum, went by bicycle to Kiel (120km),fetched my new car at 3 pm at the car shop, and at 11 pm i brought two friends if mine to the Frankfurt-Hahn Airport, which is 660 km from Kiel and 230 to Würzburg. My car is again a Passat Variant, but now with a powerful 115 PS TDI engine. I you like, have a look at, there some pics I took the last days.

When do you start studying? ;-) My sister had an exchange student with her in Kiel and I said Austin would be a very large college!!?

Have fun!

6:20 AM  
Blogger Matze (retired) said...

wat fürn schiet!try that link

6:26 AM  
Blogger Markus at Austin said...

Hey Matze nice pics. Your new car looks pretty cool. Actually I hope you realized, im not the one who got the ticket.

University starts on August 31. Yes its right, its a pretty big college. Check out the updated posts.

Bye Markus

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

greetings vom wasserpfeifen-mullu!
muss jez leider in die haja...
der mullu

10:08 PM  

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