Sunday, August 07, 2005

Party Week

Hi folks, guess it´s time for an update. Here you go.

As highschool starts after that weekend there have be
en loads of parties this week. For me the party week started on wednesday where we have been to house party at west campus. Paul a friend of my roomate, took us there. The house belonged to 2 girls and a guy and actually it has been one of the girls brithday. So they set up some kegs, jelly shots and good music. I ended up answering a lot of questions because, as expected, people dont know much about Germany over here. I will post some pics of that night, as soon as I get them.
The next day I went to the mall and tried to sort out the cell phone options. A thing which takes definitely tooooo much time. It sucks, cuz they are independent retail sellers everywhere. And they all have different deals. Plus having a mobile over here is weird. You get a local phone number, but you have to pay as you get called. That means, persons calling you wont be charged because local calls are for free, therefore you gotta pay. Strange isnt it.
On Friday two germans where supposed to arrive at my place. It look liked its going to be an easy evening but while waiting a huge pool party started. The pool area had changed within minutes. People everywhere, empty plastic cups and of course kegs. And guess what .... we just grabed a cup.
At 3am when all the beer was gone we drove around in a tiny beatle looking for some fast food. I didnt
realize that this car is so low. On the bumpy roads my head was knocking against the roof all the time. Have a look (I know it doesnt turn out well, but believe me, you dont wanna sit in the back of a beatle).
Yesterday I was with Luis another German and we went downtown to party. First everybody met in an apartment drinking beer. Vorglühen like we use to call it. The night club itself was quite big and we did a lot of dancing and drinking. After lock out, some girls manged to get beer from a petrol station on our way back (normally no alcohol is sold after midnight). So we headed to the pool for chill out. I got home at 6am and havent had much sleep since a nice german boy woke me up a couple of hours later
. I bet there are many mistakes in here but I least you know why.


Blogger Matze (retired) said...

moin markus! I am just enjoying your little diary! thanks for your message and regards from denmark! although weather is pretty cold (15 degrees) we started a kitesurfing trip last weekend to skaven at ringköbing fjord. damn, we were 6 guys, ride our boards from 7 am to 7 pm and had our longest day ever. the day before, during and on the way home we drank a lot of beer, so at the moment, coke is my favorite, no beer this week ;-)

next saturday i am thinking of starting a trip to amrum because sun comes out on thursday. enjoy your time!

so long!

2:43 PM  
Blogger Markus at Austin said...

Hey thanks for giving me some response. Hopefully more people discover the comment function in the near futre. It feels really good to get some news from good old Germany. I bet you have had a fun time up north. Take some greets to Amrum as it is missing on my itinerary this year. I will definately return next summer.

Have a good one and keep on posting your opinions.

Bye Markus

3:02 AM  

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